Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Journal of Research, Policy &amp; Practice of Teachers &amp; Teacher Education</strong> <strong>(ISSN 2232-0458 /eISSN 2550-1771)</strong> began its first issue in 2011. JRPPTTE is a <strong>biannual</strong> (April and October start 2024), scholarly peer-reviewed publication, with an Editorial Board comprised of eminent scholars and is managed by the Faculty of Human Development of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia) with the support of Penerbit UPSI (UPSI Press). The journal's objective is to publish articles and novel ideas for education researchers and teacher educators on issues of teaching, teacher learning, preservice teachers, teaching and learning, and education policy across early childhood, primary, secondary and higher education. Articles in JRPPTTE can be typically broad and represent diverse orientations towards teaching and teacher education as well as differing methodologies for studying them.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Journal of Research, Policy &amp; Practice of Teachers &amp; Teacher Education is an open access journal which means that all <strong>content is freely</strong> available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.</p> <p><strong>More Information</strong>, contact the editorial board team: h<a href="">ttp://</a><img src="" /> <img src="" /> <img src="" alt="" width="110" height="43" /></p> en-US (Nurul 'Ain Hidayah Binti Abas) (Pejabat Karang Mengarang (Publisher) ) Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 The impact of using social networking sites for teaching and learning during emergency crisis <p>This study determined the impact of using social networking sites in teaching and learning during the covid-19 pandemic. There were 65 public school teachers in basic education in the Philippines who participated in this study. The study utilized both quantitative and qualitative methods to gather the data. Findings from the quantitative data revealed that the top two most used SNS for teaching and learning were YouTube and Facebook. Also, teachers’ main uses of SNS were for resources and knowledge sharing, educational and research purposes, collaborating with students and teachers, and communication and announcement. Based on the qualitative findings of the study, three themes emerged from the challenges encountered by the teachers which were: 1) Some information from the Social Networking Sites are unreliable; 2) Slow and unstable internet connectivity perennial issue; and 3) Limited use and access. It is concluded that SNS help in the delivery of teaching and learning in time of pandemic. It is also recommended the institutionalizing and adopting of SNS as support for teaching and learning even during the post-pandemic era.</p> Helen B Boholano, Bernard Evangelicom V. Jamonr, Mary Grace C. Jamon, Tizza Marie M. Navarro Copyright (c) 2024 Helen B Boholano, Bernard Evangelicom V. Jamonr, Mary Grace C. Jamon, Tizza Marie M. Navarro Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A personal development framework on core values for catholic school teachers <p>This study identified the basic education Catholic School teachers’ personal lived and desired core values as well as the challenges faced in living out those core values and how they faced those challenges. It probed how teachers envision their school community if core values are lived out and recognized the school programs, activities, and support needed to enhance their core values. Phenomenological research was conducted that applied Appreciative Inquiry and validated online interviews were utilized for data gathering which was participated by twenty-five (25) teachers and five (5) principals from five Catholic schools in Metro Manila. The results showed that the most lived core values are being <em>Maka-Diyos </em>(Love of God), <em>Makatao </em>(Love of Others)<em>, Makakalikasan </em>(Love of Creation)<em>, Makabansa </em>(Love of Country), and <em>Mahusay </em>(Excellence). In living out these core values, they experienced challenges, particularly in managing their human nature, conflicting values with others, as well as time, energy, and resource management. If core values are fully lived out, the teachers envision their school to be a happy community with a healthy work culture in attaining its vision, mission, and goals for the transformation of society. To enhance core values, the teachers recommended spiritual formation, mental health programs, ongoing formation, community building, community extension, staffing, succession, coaching, mentoring, recognition programs, environmental, and nationalism, with emphasis on proper planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Based on these data, the 4-B Personal Development Framework on Core Values for Catholic School Teachers was designed which highlights the importance of Being, Becoming, Building, and Balancing in enhancing the teachers’ core values.</p> Maribel Hernandez Castillo, Caridad N. Barrameda Copyright (c) 2024 Maribel Hernandez Castillo, Caridad N. Barrameda Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Assessing remote learning's feasibility: A comprehensive analysis of Philippine public-school teachers’ use of learning management systems and blended learning approaches <p>This study examines the ever-changing environment of blended learning, with a special emphasis on how teachers in public schools in the Philippines use Google Classroom in the shifting educational landscape. Based on a mix of academic views and practical research, the study seeks to improve our understanding of the difficulties and possibilities related to blended learning. The conceptual framework, derived from Graham et al.'s blended teaching matrix, classifies interactions into four quadrants, offering a complete structure for comprehending blended learning situations. The study aims to identify the blended teaching approaches used by instructors, evaluate the utilization of Google Classroom features and Google Apps for Education, and ascertain the frequency and dependence of Google Classroom as a key teaching tool. Data was gathered from 123 public-school teachers at the Schools Division Office of Isabela through a systematic survey. The results demonstrate a prevalent use of Google Classroom features, highlighting its significance in facilitating the transmission of lessons, communication between students, distribution of assignments, and improvement of learning activities. An examination of the features of Google Classroom, Google Apps for Education, and Google Docs file templates reveals a wide range of use patterns among instructors, ranging from seldom to regular utilization. Teachers demonstrate favorable attitudes towards the adaptability and compatibility of Google Classroom, emphasizing its seamless connection with portable devices. Challenges arise from the sporadic Wi-Fi connections, which have a negative influence on the quality of blended learning. The research suggests implementing customized professional development program for teachers and highlights the need to include adaptive technological frameworks in curriculum design. This study provides essential knowledge on the implementation of blended learning methods by public school teachers. It gives suggestions for policymaking, curriculum design, and teacher training in response to the ever-changing educational environment.</p> Mark Jhon Prestoza Copyright (c) 2024 Mark Jhon Prestoza Tue, 12 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pengetahuan dan amalan pelaksanaan terhadap kemahiran PAK21 dalam kalangan guru prasekolah <p>Kajian ini bertujuan meninjau tahap pengetahuan dan tahap amalan pelaksanaan terhadap kemahiran Pembelajaran Abad Ke-21 (PAK21) dalam kalangan guru prasekolah. Pendekatan kuantitatif dengan reka bentuk tinjauan dilaksanakan dalam kajian ini. Pemilihan subjek kajian dijalankan secara persampelan rawak mudah melibatkan 113 orang guru prasekolah di daerah Batu Pahat. Instrumen kajian ini menggunakan borang soal selidik yang melibatkan tiga bahagian iaitu demografi, pengetahuan terhadap kemahiran PAK21 dan amalan pelaksanan terhadap kemahiran PAK21. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan inferensi. Analisis deskriptif menjelaskan tahap pengetahuan dan tahap amalan pelaksanaan terhadap kemahiran PAK21. Statistik inferensi pula melibatkan ujian korelasi Pearson yang menerangkan tentang hubungan antara tahap pengetahuan dengan tahap amalan pelaksanaan terhadap kemahiran PAK21. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap pengetahuan terhadap kemahiran PAK21 dalam kalangan guru prasekolah adalah tinggi (<em>M</em> = 3.84, <em>SD</em>= 0.49) manakala tahap amalan pelaksanaan terhadap kemahiran PAK21 dalam kalangan guru prasekolah adalah sederhana (<em>M</em> = 3.15, <em>SD</em> = 0.90). Analisis korelasi <em>Pearson</em> pula menunjukkan terdapat hubungan signifikan yang sederhana teguh (<em>r</em> = .04, <em>p</em> &lt; .01) antara tahap pengetahuan dengan tahap amalan pelaksanaan terhadap kemahiran PAK21 dalam kalangan guru prasekolah. Antara cadangan kajian lanjutan ialah pengkaji baharu boleh melaksanakan kajian mengenai faktor yang mempengaruhi amalan pelaksanaan terhadap kemahiran PAK21 dalam kalangan guru prasekolah dan kajian khusus mengenai amalan pelaksanaan kemahiran kolaboratif di kelas prasekolah. Kesimpulannya, PAK21 merupakan pendidikan masa kini yang penting untuk dititikberatkan dalam kalangan guru dan dilaksanakan daripada peringkat prasekolah.</p> Nadzirah Osman, Intan Farahana Abdul Rani Copyright (c) 2024 Nadzirah Osman, Intan Farahana Abdul Rani Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Knowledge, attitudes and interaction on dyslexia among selected Filipino public school teachers <p>Dyslexia as a learning disability can remain unnoticed and untreated for many students who have this condition. This is a manifestation of how dyslexia is relatively unknown and unaddressed among teachers. Thus, intervention remains inadequate. This research aimed to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes towards intervention practices on dyslexia among public grade school teachers in Los Baños, Philippines. Data was gathered through surveys, interviews and observations. A complete enumeration of thirty-two mathematics and language grade school teachers showed limited or absence of knowledge about dyslexia, they manifested more positive than negative attitudes, and intervention was observed to be implemented by the teacher-respondents. Further, intervention practices were found to have no significant relationship with knowledge but had a positive relationship with attitudes. This study challenges educational institutions, government agencies, researchers, families, and parents to increase knowledge and foster more positive attitudes towards tolerance and acceptance for more successful intervention practices and programs for students with dyslexia. The study has implications on early intervention and capacitating public school teachers of dyslexic students.</p> Maria Ophelia Cariño, Rhea R. Bailey Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Ophelia Cariño, Rhea R. Bailey Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Factors influencing the educational expectations of Chinese youth <p>In China, education is an indispensable part of the growth of teenagers, and the results of education are also the achievements that teenagers should achieve at this stage. Educational expectation as a socio-psychological variable has an important impact on student's educational results. In the “Wisconsin Model”, educational expectation as an intermediary variable has been a concern by researchers Unfortunately, limited studies were found about the influencing factors of educational expectation. As a result, this study will examine the influencing factors on the educational expectations of Chinese teens using a sample of teenagers aged 13 to 15 as well as the feedback from their parents, which was gathered in 2018 from China Family Panel Studies(CFPS). Data were analyze using SPSS 26 to get the descriptive statistic and nested model result. Result found, the educational expectations of the teenagers are somewhat influenced by their home background and the school environment.</p> Wu Yifan, Pu Weiwei Copyright (c) 2024 Wu Yifan, Pu Weiwei Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effects of problem-based learning approach on enhancement the listening practice <p>The utilisation of the problem-based learning (PBL) approach serves as a pedagogy that enables students to acquire knowledge on genuine concerns and subsequently apply them in practical settings. This particular methodology allows for the incorporation of experiences to facilitate adaptability through the process of learning. Students in the tourism programme are able to support aspects of issues through their last experiences with tourism and it is posited that students engage in collaborative discussions with peers to discuss the issue and acquire knowledge through experiential learning. This study focused mainly on the listening ability of students to apply the PBL approach to enhance their listening ability based on tourism issues. Additionally, the study seeks to explore the opportunities, advantages, and challenges associated with its use. The study was conducted over a period of eight weeks and comprised a sample of thirty-nine students. The data analysis entailed the utilisation of paired sample t-tests for the purpose of testing and thematic analysis for group interviews. The findings on listening ability indicated that the post-test score was higher than the pre-test score. Furthermore, the students acknowledge that the PBL approach is useful for future application and daily life while also having the potential to augment vocabulary acquisition. Conversely, the PBL methodology suggests that extensive engagement in activities is more efficacious for students who possess prior experience with the issues being discussed.</p> Anumat U-soh, Rohaya Abdullah Copyright (c) 2024 Anumat U-soh, Rohaya Abullah Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis kelemahan penggunaan retorik penerangan dalam karangan bahasa Melayu murid tingkatan empat di SMK Tun Haji Abdul Malek, Melaka <p>Retorik merupakan satu subbidang linguistik yang digunakan dalam sebuah penulisan untuk menampilkan penulisan yang menggunakan bahasa yang berseni, indah dan berkesan. Penggunaan retorik juga dapat menekankan penggunaan aspek kesantunan, keterampilan dan pengaplikasian bahasa yang lebih baik dalam bentuk lisan dan bukan lisan. Selain itu, pemilihan penulisan karangan adalah bersesuaian sebagai salah satu instrumen utama dalam kajian untuk membuktikan keberkesanan penggunaan retorik dalam penulisan karangan murid. Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk menganalisis penggunaan retorik penerangan dalam karangan Bahasa Melayu murid tingkatan empat di SMK Tun Haji Abdul Malek, Melaka. Oleh hal yang demikian, terdapat tiga objektif utama kajian ini dilakukan iaitu mengenal pasti tahap kefahaman pelajar mengenai konsep retorik penerangan dalam karangan Bahasa Melayu, menganalisis penggunaan retorik penerangan dalam penulisan karangan Bahasa Melayu murid tingkatan empat di SMK Tun Haji Abdul Malek, Melaka dan menghuraikan keberkesanan pengajaran teknik retorik penerangan dalam karangan murid tingkatan empat di SMK Tun Haji Abdul Malek, Melaka. Hasil dapatan kajian dihuraikan secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan karangan pelajar dan juga soal selidik serta disokong dengan dapatan kualitatif melalui temubual. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa penggunaan retorik penerangan berdasarkan sebab dan akibat paling kerap digunakan pelajar dalam penulisan karangan sebanyak 27 kekerapan bersamaan 36%. Hal ini demikian kerana, penggunaan retorik penerangan ini dapat membantu pelajar melakukan pertautan dan kesinambungan idea yang tepat agar penulisan karangan menjadi lebih menarik dan bermaklumat.</p> Nurul Fazlina Md. Rodi, Mariyati Mohd Nor Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Fazlina Md. Rodi, Mariyati Mohd Nor Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Foreign language anxiety in online learning environments: Strategies and implications <p>The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated some anxiety among students, particularly in the realm of higher education where remote learning has become the norm. Despite the escalating prevalence of anxiety among students in the context of online language education, there is a notable absence of comprehensive strategies tailored to effectively mitigate foreign language anxiety (FLA) and support learners, necessitating research to identify evidence-based approaches to address FLA and foster a positive learning environment. This paper reviews the influence of anxiety on language learners, with a focus on the challenges posed by online language education. It explores the multifaceted nature of FLA and its implications for language learning outcomes. The study proposes practical strategies to alleviate anxiety among language learners. These strategies include implementing cooperative learning activities, providing constructive feedback, creating a positive learning atmosphere, addressing individual student needs, giving clear instructions, and establishing a continuous support system. Insights from contemporary research highlight the effectiveness of these approaches in reducing anxiety and fostering a more positive and effective learning environment. Furthermore, the paper discusses the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) as a valuable tool for identifying and measuring FLA in online language learning settings. It emphasizes the importance of the psychometric characteristics of FLCAS and its implications for language educators. Finally, by raising awareness of the impact of anxiety on language learning outcomes, and embracing a holistic approach that considers individual, socio-cultural, economic, and technological factors, this paper may provide valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and researchers.</p> Narges Saffari, Mansour Amini, Sze Seau Lee, Maryam Alipour, Bita Naghmeh Abbaspour Copyright (c) 2024 Narges Saffari, Mansour Amini, Sze Seau Lee, Maryam Alipour, Bita Naghmeh Abbaspour Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Enhancing Teacher Mental Health Literacy: Reliability Assessment of the Student Mental Health Awareness Questionnaire in Malaysia <p>Amidst Malaysia’s burgeoning child mental health crisis, effective early detection and intervention strategies within educational settings are imperative. This study introduces the Student Mental Health Awareness Questionnaire (SMHAQ), designed to evaluate secondary school teachers’ awareness of student mental health issues. Developed to address the gap in mental health literacy among educators, the SMHAQ features 101 items across knowledge, attitudes, and practices domains. Administered to 391 teachers across three Malaysian states, the questionnaire exhibited high internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha of 0.849) and moderate test-retest reliability, affirming its credibility as a comprehensive measure for mental health awareness. However, the study’s limitation to specific regions and a brief test-retest interval underscores the necessity for further reliability testing across a broader educational and cultural landscape. Future research should explore longitudinal applicability and effectiveness in diverse settings, paving the way for more nuanced student mental health interventions. This work represents a vital step forward in integrating mental health awareness into educational frameworks, thus improving student well-being through informed practices. This study underscores the pivotal role of teacher mental health literacy in educational settings, suggesting that improved awareness and understanding among educators can lead to more effective interventions and support for students. The findings advocate for integrating mental health training into teacher education programmes and shaping policies to better equip teachers in managing student mental health issues.</p> Mohd Faiz Fansuri Mohd Affandy, Azlinda Azman, Intan Nooraini Zainol Copyright (c) 2024 Mohd Faiz Fansuri Mohd Affandy, Azlinda Azman, Intan Nooraini Zainol Fri, 10 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000