International Business Education Journal <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>International Business Education Journal (IBEJ) [eISSN 2735-1912]</strong> is an international peer-reviewed journal published <strong>twice a year (April &amp; October starting from 2024)</strong> by the Faculty of Management and Economics (Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris) and Penerbit Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. It aims to become the leading multi-disciplinary, open access, online academic journal in the field of current matters. The IBEJ is dedicated to promote original research and insightful debate by publishing original academic articles, analytical and simulation models, empirical research, policy analysis and book reviews across a number of disciplines, including economic education, accounting education, business, education and social sciences.<br /><strong>IBEJ supports open access. The electronic full text version of the journal is available free of charge .</strong><br /><img src="" /> <img src="" /></p> en-US (Dr. Norlaile Salleh Hudin) (Mdm. Asiah Abd Rahman) Thu, 22 Feb 2024 02:57:20 +0000 OJS 60 Globalization and Higher Education in Malaysia <p>This study reviews previous study related to globalization in Malaysian tertiary education in creating innovative learning environment. A systematic literature review (SLR) research technique is utilized to identify and analyse previous studies related to the topic. Based on the SLR, five most relevant studies are identified and an analysis of how globalisation has affected private tertiary education in Malaysia is carried out. This paper offers a new and thorough viewpoint on the varying landscape of higher education in context of globalisation which could be a foundation for future advancements of higher education in Malaysia. Higher education is undoubtedly faced with new opportunities, threats, and problems as a result of globalisation. However, this study explains how globalisation and private tertiary education interact intricately in Malaysia, providing policymakers and educators with actionable knowledge. It contributes to the scholarly discussion on the topic while offering practical advice for overcoming obstacles and seizing possibilities posed by globalisation. This study adds to our knowledge of the topic and offers useful recommendations for policy and practise in Malaysian private tertiary education.</p> Kavithanjali Sandrasegaran, Norimah Rambeli @ Ramli Copyright (c) 2024 Kavithanjali Sandrasegaran, Norimah Rambeli @ Ramli Thu, 22 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Preliminary Study on Artificial Intelligence and Labour Productivity in China <p>Using the total number of patents as a proxy for artificial intelligence (AI), this study adds to the body of knowledge by analysing the relationship between AI applications and labour productivity in China's overall sector and concentrating on China's agriculture sector. Even though this study only employed ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation, the results could still provide a rough idea of the current stage of China’s AI patent applications and their impact on enhancing labour productivity. Our findings demonstrated that the impact of AI patent applications statistically affects the labour productivity of China's overall sector but did not appear to be well supported by our research in the agriculture sector. Our findings suggest that China's agriculture sector has less frequent and lesser experience with patenting to fully exploit innovation activities due to a lack of skilled labour and employee participation in scientific research and innovation activity as a result of the agriculture sector's continued dominance by low-educated labour. To address these challenges, we recommend that the Chinese government continue to invest more in innovation and AI, conduct employee retraining programmes to improve their skills and knowledge, create rules and guidelines to protect the privacy of patents, and promote a climate of openness and accountability when deploying AI in the industry.</p> Lai Zouya, Norhanishah Mohamad Yunus Copyright (c) 2024 Lai Zouya, Norhanishah Mohamad Yunus Thu, 22 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Business Education Students’ Green Entrepreneurial Intention: Does Green Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Matters? <p>Encouraging sustainable entrepreneurial practices becomes essential in a society where environmental degradation and ecosystem depletion due to entrepreneurial exploitation are on the rise. The current study looked into how, in Edo State, green entrepreneurial self-efficacy (GESE) mediated the relationship between green entrepreneurial intention (GEI) and sustainable entrepreneurship (SE). Four hypotheses were formulated and tested at the significance level of 0.05. A correlational survey research design was used in the study. The study's population consisted of all 382 business education students from Ambrose Alli University in Ekpoma and the University of Benin. The convenience sampling technique was used in selecting a sample of 285 students. The Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Self-Efficacy and Green Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire (SESEGEIQ) was the tool utilized. Two professionals validated the instrument. After the instrument was given to thirty business education students at Delta State University, Abraka, who were not parts of the sample, the reliability coefficient of the instrument, as determined by Cronbach's alpha, was found to be .85. A straightforward linear regression analysis was used to examine the responder data. The findings revealed that sustainable entrepreneurship and green entrepreneurial self-efficacy were significant predictor of business education students’ green entrepreneurial intention in Edo State. The finding also revealed that green entrepreneurial self-efficacy is a significant predictor of business education students’ green entrepreneurial intention. The finding further revealed that green entrepreneurial self-efficacy mediates the relationship between sustainable entrepreneurship and green entrepreneurial intention in Edo State. This study has made significant contribution to knowledge as it was able to establish the mediating role of GESE in the relationship between SE and GEI among business education students in Nigeria. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the teaching and learning of sustainable entrepreneurship should be emphasized across the nation’s tertiary education level.</p> Kennedy Ediagbonya, James Edomwonyi Edokpolor, Gideon Daniel Odibo, Jingcheng Sun Copyright (c) 2024 Kennedy Ediagbonya, James Edomwonyi Edokpolor, Gideon Daniel Odibo, Jingcheng Sun Tue, 27 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000